Wednesday 13 August 2008

Life uptil now

Lots of things. First being, this training programme i am under in the Department of Environment under Delhi Government. What exactly they want to train us with is still unclear to me. What exactly I thought i'd be trained in, is sort of being fulfilled. I am not too sure if I can expect more out of it. Anyways, since I can claim that I am happy for the time being, so I am happy.

Second thing, related to the first thing, is the car-pool service that I have happened to join with a set of five aunties! It isn't exactly car-pool because none of us drive or use our cars. A car with a driver has been hired to do the needful for us. My fellow passengers are five aunties who are turning out to be fun-types, unlike what I was fearing them to be. The nice thing about the aunties is that they are so very well updated with the current affairs. Like, they know exactly why a particular minister or his ministry is bad. People only comment that so and so is bad and corrupt. They can explain to you why they think so and so is so. Infact today in the morning trip one of them even suggested that they could start an NGO of their own where they would find out the secrets behind the scandalous politicians and bring it out to public. The other aunty dampened this excitement by warning the rest that they'll the victims of custodial death on even announcing to take any such step. Anyways, the conversation was going well until the topic shifted to hair-fall, hair-colors, hair-length and hair-cuts. So, the car-pool service is going well despite the fact that it makes me part away with a decimal of my hard-earned salary and that it curbs my freedom in a way. I get bound by my wrist-watch to call the work day off, which would buzz off at one specific time only. You know how much I love and savour my freedom. Any boundations on it tend to suffocate me.

Thing three. chuck that!

Thing four. Next time.

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